What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
William Henry Davies

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Garden Makeover - Part 2.1 - Cyathea Latebrosa and Caladium Lindenii

I'm trying out a Cyathea Latebrosa, which Gn from my favourite nursery assures me can take full sun. As my garden is fully west facing, I'm a bit apprehensive about this. However, I have lusted after fern trees for many, many years, and as my previous rooftop garden is definitely not conducive for this plant, I gave in to the temptation.

Underneath the Cyathea, I've put in some Caladium Lindenii, which looks pretty good with it's colour offset.

I'll wait for the plants to settle in, and then maybe add different ferns at the base. We'll see.

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