What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
William Henry Davies

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Garden Makeover - Part 3.1

After digging up this corner, I let it "rest" for almost a week. The intention is to determine whether the water logging is really bad (which means the entire garden will have to be dug up) or whether there is a natural water table that my garden is sitting on. During the resting week, there was a huge bout of rain which filled up the hole and then some... it drained back within 24 hours to the level which you saw in my GM Part 3 post. Oh Kay! The diagnosis is that it is a natural water table. I now had a choice of broadening the hole, and create a natural pond, or planting plants that love water.

Since I had a large pond put in at the side of the house when we were building, I thought that another pond would be overkill. (However, it was still very tempting. How many people in Singapore can have a natural pond in their gardens...)

So this is what I did:

I took out a pot of Umbrella Plant (Cyperus Alternifolius) from my pond (it was due to be divided anyway) and stuck it into the ground, and surrounded it with a bunch of Piper Sarmentosum. Let's see if the water-loving plants will (1)survive and (2)help wick away water (3)grow large and gorgeously luscious... Wait for updates in a couple of months...

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