What is this life if, full of care,
We have no time to stand and stare.
William Henry Davies

Sunday, December 19, 2010

My Old Rooftop - I miss it

I know I've a larger house, a "real" garden, and a much larger pond now (and I really love it here)... but I was sorting through old photos, and looking at my previous penthouse rooftop garden, realized how much I miss it.

Ok, it was unbearably hot from 10am through to 6pm, but it was wonderfully cool and fresh in the mornings (my place used to be near the Bukit Timah Nature Reserve), and cool and windy in the evenings after sunset. Sometimes, if we have a party and stay up there till the wee hours of the morning, it was chilly even.

The view was lovely, and uncluttered, and somehow, even though the space really wasn't that large, the fact that the view stretched out with no immediate walls or buildings at eye level made it seem that much larger, that much more spacious:

I love the sink that I'd designed for the outdoor space, and maybe one day, for a new project in my garden, I'd build another like it.  For now, memory and photos will have to do:

Note the sink itself. It's nothing more than a glazed pot!

Here on the right of this photo, is my old "ready-made" pond. It was with this pond that I'd refined my DIY pond skills to the extent that I can design, build and maintain my current large outdoor pond. This includes experimenting in water pump, water flow and (very low maintenance) biological and mechanical filters. Anyways, just to give you an idea, even though this is an outdoor pond with direct sunlight, I only have to clean out the filter twice a year, and suck out stuff from the bottom of the pond once a year. Water was crystal clear throughout. It's a pity that somehow, in my photo-taking, I seem to have omitted taking a direct photo of the pond. Sigh. It was a nice little pond...

Bye, bye, old rooftop...


Anonymous said...

You had a very beautiful rooftop garden. =)


Cloudjade said...

Thanks, Sky. Yes, it has stayed very beautiful in my memories. Wished I had taken more photos, and shared them with more people. I had not discovered GCS then! :-)